This compost is widely recognized by many horticulturalists as the best compost available and has proven itself repeatedly for over 27 years at thousands of locations. This product is produced primarily from recycled leaves, with a little grass and horse manure mixed in, a touch of fruits and vegetables and is slowly composted for a long period of time to ensure the highest quality. The name Leaf Mold comes from the old English words "Leaf Mould" which means produced by a very slow breakdown of leaves (from trees and shrubs) into rich humus. After a long slow composting period it is screened to ensure consistency and size. This product is rich in beneficial microbes and is used on lawns, vegetable gardens, annuals, and can be used in flower beds. It is well balanced between bacterial and fungal species. In lawns it helps save water and promote healthy soil naturally resistant to brown patch and other problems. We offer two sizes for different applications (fine and coarse), fine for topdressing lawns or starting seeds and coarse for use as a soil amendment.